Old Dark Guestbook
Date: 26 Jan 98
Name: Philippe christin
Your database is very useful... great work !!! Do you know which japanese company own the rights of the movie serie EVIL DEAD TRAP. I'm in charge to buy it for european speaking language countries... Philippe
Date: 25 Mar 1998
Name: Won Lee
hi there! My name is Won Lee form Seoul, Korea. I just looked around your site and really facinated!You did truly amazing job. Only Japanese horror movies I've ever seen was just two(Eko Eko Azaraku and Iron Man), cause Japanese culture is still banned here. Pretty sad...So I can't say anything about Japanese horror film cause I don't know much about it. Anyhow, keep up horrified! Best regards Won Lee PS: I'm still struggling getting Japanese videos here...
Date: 25 Mar 1998
Name: Hamasaki Hiroaki
Hello! And thank you very much! I am sorry that your goverment put an embargo on Japanese culture, too. I think you will import these from USA but Japan, what do you think? If OK, you will go to following URL; http://members.tripod.com/~mybookshop/. You can refer videos and get these through Amazon. Of course, I may help you to get these as possible. If you have any idea, please let me know. By the way, I am interested in Korean cilture, especially movie and rock music, as well as you. About movie, A TROPICAL FLOWER, THE MA-NIM and GAIJIN KYUDAN (it is Japanese title. I know it is the baseball movie based on the famous Korean comic.) are my favorite. About rock music, I have a THE B LEE BAND's cd and I like it. Regards. -Hamasaki Hiroaki
Date: 25 Mar 1998
Name: Won Lee
Hi there! It's my second visit and thanks a lot for your comment. About my book shop, yes, I visited there. There are some Kurosawa's videos and anime though, it's too much restricted and I couldn't see any movie looks like Japanese horror. Do they have some? I'm really glad that you like rock music cause I'm working at Korean rock music magazine called Hot Music. I would like to recommend two Korean movies. One is 'Beat' and it's about Young fighter who doesn't really wanna fight become a ganster. Very nihilistic film and probably one of the greatest film of Korea recently. Another is '301, 302'. It's not really a horror, but very grotesque film. Also it contains cannibalism inside. I'm not sure these two movies are released in Japan. if they're not, please let me know and I'll find out what I can do. And if you have any idea to trade video or CD, please let me know. Thanks again for your comment! Best Won Lee PS: where is your e-mail address anyway?
Date: 28 Mar 1998
Name: Hamasaki Hiroaki
Hi, Won! I'm glad that you're working at rock magazine. Because I used to publish Japanese 'indipendent' rock magazine called GORE-zine. Now it changed paper-zine into internet-zine. Its URL is http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~gore-gore/. By the way, about Korean movies you tell me, maybe '301, 302' is released in Japan. But I never watched it, because it isn't released in Nagasaki-city I live, though Nagasaki is nearer Seoul than Tokyo... About how to trade video or CD, please talk over e-mail. My e-mail is YQF00421@niftyserve.or.jp. Komsomida! -Hamasaki Hiroaki