Monsters>Western Monsters>Death
a japanese word 'shinigami' means not only the personification of 'Death' but also 'Angel of Death' though what it translated literally into English is 'God of Death'.
Death Note
Death Note (TV series)
Death Note: The Last Name
Chikan densha: Chouhatsusuru midarajiri
Gegege no Kitarou (1971-1972) (TV series)
Gegege no Kitarou (1985-1988) (TV series)
Gegege no Kitarou (1996-1998) (TV Series)
Gegege no Kitarou (2007-2009) (TV series)
Ghost deka (VIDEO)
Hontoni atta kowai hanashi: Natsu no tokubetsu-hen 2005 (TV)
Honto ni atta! Noroi no Video 17 (DVD)
Honto ni atta! Noroi no Video Ver.X:4 (VIDEO)
Hontouni atta kowai hanashi dai-8-ya: Shinigami (DVD)
Jigoku-dou reikai tsuushin
Kaidan Shinigami (TV)
Kaidan Shin-mimibukuro (TV Series)
L change the World
Mokuyou no kaidan: Kaiki Club (TV series)
Tokyo Ghost Trip (TV series)
Yakusai kochou: Shinigamitachi no wana (VIDEO)